InfoRich Group offers expert insight on how to research and write winning grant proposals. Marge King has successfully written proposals for up to $7.5 million in federal funding, as well as proposals to private foundations for funding in the $5,000 to $100,000 and higher range. We offer a plethora of services to meet your needs, from research to grant proposal writing to training and mentoring.
We can help with the entire grant writing process, which includes identifying funding sources, prioritizing foundation prospects, composing letters of inquiry, writing grant proposals, and preparing reports.
The most challenging facet of grant writing is determining which private foundations to approach. Once you’ve selected prospects, it is often difficult to know how much financial support to ask of each funder. We can provide you with a comprehensive list of potential funders, custom-researched profiles, deadlines, a method of initial approach, the dollar amount to request, and similar organizations who have received funding.
We also offer on-site grant research and writing workshops. We tailor our training to meet your staff’s experience and background.
Coaching/mentoring is appropriate if you have a staff member or volunteer that wants to learn grant writing or improve his or her grant writing abilities. We can help the person get started, review and/or edit grant proposals, and advise you on how to improve a proposal that is turned down. This is one-to-one training.
Let us help you determine the best and most cost-effective way to proceed.